Tools and Resources

Chasebridge links

We have compiled a list of useful documents that can be viewed online by following the icon links below. Please note these will open a new window and take you to a separate website. Please also scroll down for some other useful documents under Chasebridge documents that can be downloaded direct from our site.

Tax Health Check

Helping you to keep more of your income and capital.

Trustee Investment

Acting as a Trustee can be a rewarding experience but it also imposes onerous duties on individuals.

10 reasons to use Discretionary Trusts in your financial planning

This factsheet looks at the benefits of estate planning through the use of discretionary trusts in England and Wales.

Trusts and the role of the Trustee

There are a number of reasons why a life assurance plan should be written in trust.

Chasebridge documents

Please download any of the following documents to support your financial planning needs.

Rapid Response Form

Adobe Acrobat format, 1.69 MB

Expenditure Questionnaire

Microsoft Excel format, 54 KB

Financial Wheel of Life

Adobe Acrobat format, 1.55 MB

Got a question?

Do get in touch with us if you need a bit more information about these services, or any of our other financial planning advice.